Jaclyn is the Executive Director of the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium at the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Prior to this appointment, she served as an associate professor of criminal justice at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego. Her research focuses on school and mass shootings in the United States in regard to crime statistics, media representations, security and prevention, legislative responses, and other important considerations that impact individuals and communities struck by these tragedies. She has published in numerous academic journals, and her research has been cited by the news media locally, nationally, and even internationally. She prides herself on providing an honest and genuine account of these events and their impacts, and is grateful for the opportunity to work with communities impacted by these events, including working with individuals from Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and others. A former resident of Orlando and the Parkland area, each of which has experienced its own mass shooting (Pulse Nightclub, 2016 and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, 2018), Jaclyn is committed to helping change the narrative about these events and encouraging a proactive approach to safety and prevention.

In February 2023, Jaclyn was named the executive director of the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium (RGVRC), housed within New York’s prestigious Rockefeller Institute of Government. Read the news release here.
Jaclyn’s current research is focused on the effects of lockdown drills on students, faculty, and staff members in schools. From August 2018 through the end of the 2023 school year, she worked in Syracuse City School District implementing and testing an emergency response plan to understand how participating in lockdown drills affects these groups, as well as how training and continued practice impacts the effectiveness of lockdown response. This research has produced several peer-reviewed journal articles to date, with a forthcoming book on the subject also on the way.
In addition to this work, Jaclyn also has published on topics including the role of shared experience in trauma recovery among survivors of mass shootings, public (e.g., moral panic) and legislative responses to mass shootings, media representations (e.g., coverage patterns, framing) of these events, and theoretical approaches to understanding and preventing these tragedies. She also has examine perceptions of concealed carry on campus and armed teacher policies, as well as students’ attitudes about campus emergency notification systems.
- Victims & Offenders
- Journal of School Violence
- Crime Prevention & Community Safety
- Security Journal
- Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
- Aggression & Violent Behavior
- School Psychology Review
- American Journal of Criminal Justice
Jaclyn’s research has been featured by a number of local, national, and international news outlets in the aftermath of mass shootings, including the attacks in Uvalde, Buffalo, Oxford, San Jose, Boulder, New Zealand, Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Santa Fe High School, YouTube HQ, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Route 91 Harvest Festival, Pulse Nightclub, Umpqua Community College, and others. Her research on lockdown drills also has been prominently featured in a CNN special report and pieces from several other outlets.
As Featured In

CNN with Pamela Brown (6/4/2022)
CNN with Alex Marquardt (8/13/2022)

Journal of Mass Violence Research
Jaclyn and colleague Sarah Daly, PhD launched the Journal of Mass Violence Research in November 2021 as a new interdisciplinary and international outlet for research on issues related to mass violence including, but not limited to, school/mass shootings, terrorism, serial/mass murder, and genocide. The open-access platform aims to make this important body of scholarship more accessible to the public and policymakers alike.