If you would like a copy of any of these articles that are not readily available for download from the publishers, please contact Jaclyn.
- Balancing Students’ Perceptions of Safety and Emergency Preparedness: A Quasi-Experimental Test of Protection Motivation Theory as it Relates to Lockdown Drills (Victims & Offenders)
- Emergency Preparedness Drills for Active and Mass Shootings in Schools (Current Psychiatry Reports)
- Understanding More Than 50 Years of Mass Public Shootings as a Function of Routine Activities (Homicide Studies)
- Assessing the Relationship Between Exposure to Violence and Perceptions of School Safety and Emergency Preparedness in the Context of Lockdown Drills (Journal of School Violence)
- The Parkland Mass Shooting and the Path to Intended Violence: A Case Study of Missed Opportunities and Avenues for Future Prevention (Homicide Studies)
- Arm the Educators… but Not Without Conditions: A Qualitative Assessment of Law Enforcement Officers’ Support for Armed Teacher Policies (Police Practice and Research)
- Mass Shootings in the United States: Prevalence, Policy, and a Way Forward (The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science)
- American Uniqueness Revisited: A Comparative Examination of Two School Shootings Using the Path to Intended Violence (International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice)
- Can School Lockdowns Save Lives? An Assessment of Drills and Use in Real-World Events (Journal of School Violence)
- A New Wave of Mass Shootings? Exploring the Potential Impact of COVID-19 (Homicide Studies)
- Effects of Lockdown Drills on Students’ Fear, Perceived Risk, and Use of Avoidance Behaviors: A Quasi-Experimental Study (Criminal Justice Policy Review)
- Armed and Considered Capable? Law Enforcement Officers’ Attitudes About Armed Teacher Policies in the USA (Crime Prevention and Community Safety)
Should Firearms be Allowed in K-12 Public Schools? An Analysis of Law Enforcement’s Perceptions of Armed Teacher Policies (Security Journal)
- Reading, Writing, Responding: Educators’ Perceptions of Safety, Preparedness, and Lockdown Drills (Educational Policy)
- State Anxiety Prior to and After Participating in Lockdown Drills Among Students in a Rural High School (School Psychology Review)
- Moral Panic, Fear of Crime, and School Shootings: Does Location Matter? (Sociological Inquiry)
- The Survivor Network: The Role of Shared Experiences in Mass Shootings Recovery (Victims & Offenders)
- Framing Mass Shootings as a Social Problem: A Comparison of Ideologically and Non-Ideologically Motivated Attacks (Aggression & Violent Behavior)
- Mass Shootings, Legislative Responses, and Public Policy: An Endless Cycle of Inaction (Emory Law Journal)
- Ready to Respond: Effects of Lockdown Drills and Training on School Emergency Preparedness (Victims & Offenders)
- Locks, Lights, Out of Sight: Assessing Students’ Perceptions of Emergency Preparedness across Multiple Lockdown Drills (Journal of School Violence)
- Media Salience and Frame-Changing in the Coverage of Mass Shooting Events: A Comparison of Ideological and Non-Ideological Attacks (Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture)
- A Call to the Media to Change Reporting Practices for the Coverage of Mass Shootings (Washington University Journal of Law and Policy)
- Advancing Responses to Mass Shootings Using a Routine Activity Approach (Crime Prevention and Community Safety)
- Armed and Academic: Perceptions of College Students on Concealed Carry on Campus Policies (Journal of School Violence)
- A Tale of Two Universities: A Comparison of College Students’ Attitudes About Concealed Carry on Campus (Security Journal)
- Mass Shootings and the Media: Why All Events Are Not Created Equal (Journal of Crime and Justice)
- Rethinking Crisis Communications on Campus: An Evaluation of Faculty and Staff Perceptions About Emergency Notification Systems (Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)
- Mass Murder and the Mass Media: Understanding the Construction of the Social Problem of Mass Shootings in the U.S. (Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology)
- Studying School Shootings: Challenges and Considerations for Research (American Journal of Criminal Justice)
- Researching Professionals or Professional Researchers? A Comparison of Professional Doctorates and Ph.D. Programs in Criminology & Criminal Justice (American Journal of Criminal Justice)
- Could It Happen Here? Moral Panic, School Shootings, and Fear of Crime Among College Students (Crime, Law and Social Change)
- Breaking News of Social Problems: Examining Media Consumption and Panic Over School Shootings (Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law, and Society)
- Laws That Bit the Bullet: A Review of Legislative Responses to School Shootings (American Journal of Criminal Justice)
- Media Salience and the Framing of Mass Murder in Schools: A Comparison of the Columbine and Sandy Hook School Tragedies (Homicide Studies)
- Movin’, But Not Up To The East Side: Foreclosures and Social Disorganization in Orange County, Florida (Housing Studies)