
The following links will direct you to websites that are valuable resources within Jaclyn’s research area and organizations with whom she regularly works. To view one of these sources, click on the web link below. The site will open in a new window, so please adjust your pop-up blocker accordingly.

Safe and Sound Schools

Safe and Sound Schools

Founded by Michele Gay and Alissa Parker, mothers of students killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Safe and Sound Schools focuses on smart, commonsense preventative measures to help make learning environments across the nation safer and more productive for students, faculty, and staff. Their website features a number of great resources, including their "Straight A Safety Improvement" techniques, which include toolkits for assessing, acting, and auditing school safety. They also feature a speaker's bureau with a number of different presenters available to discuss school safety with your community.

Koshka Foundation for Safe Schools

Koshka Foundation

The Koshka Foundation was started by Virginia Tech survivor Kristina Anderson as a way to ensure the memory of April 16, 2007 was preserved in a meaningful way. The Foundation focuses on making college and university campuses across the nation safer, while simultaneously empowering student activism and forging connections between survivors of other similar tragedies. The website provides resources for both law enforcement and students (and their parents), as well as information on having Ms. Anderson speak at your institution about the topic of school safety.

I Love U Guys Foundation

I Love U Guys Foundation

The I Love U Guys Foundation was created after the tragic shooting at Platte Canyon High School in 2006. Founded by John-Michael Keyes and Ellen Stoddard-Keyes, the foundation aims to improve school safety through preventative training and education. Their website includes a number of free resources available for schools and districts to implement a school safety plan, as well as information on reunification practices for after an emergency happens.

The Rebels Project

The Rebels Project

Founded by Heather (Egeland) Martin, a Columbine survivor, The Rebels Project provides a forum for survivors of similar mass tragedies to share their stories and connect with other survivors. The site provides a list of important resources for coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as a calendar of upcoming events that the organizers are planning.

No Notoriety

No Notoriety

Founded by Tom and Caren Teves, whose son, Alex, was among the victims of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, the No Notoriety campaign calls for responsible reporting of mass shooting events. Specifically, the campaign calls for a reduction in the reporting of the perpetrators’ names, images, personal statements, and other links that call attention to these individuals and shift the focus away from the victims. By minimizing the notoriety these shooters receive, it can help to prevent future attacks.

Safe Schools for Alex

Safe Schools for Alex

Founded by Max Schachter, whose son, Alex, was among the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Safe Schools for Alex seeks to provide the most current best practices and resources related to school safety to parents, students, school districts, and law enforcement. Among these resources is the School Incident Report, which makes Florida Department of Education data easily accessible to parents so they know how safe their children’s schools are. This information can be used to facilitate discussions among parents, school administrators, and other community stakeholders to improve school safety and the overall learning environment.

Nicoletti-Flater Associates

Nicoletti-Flater Associates

Nicoletti-Flater Associates provides important trauma resources – including intervention, threat assessment, and public safety psychological services – and has been doing so since 1975. Their group of qualified associates have over 40 years of experience and have provided services to more than 300 groups nationwide. Nicoletti-Flater Associates also have been a critical component of the Crisis Intervention Team program since its inception and has consulted with members of a number of communities impacted by mass shootings and other forms of violence.

The Briefings

The Briefings

Hosted by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, the Briefings is an annual 3.5 day symposium held at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO. The symposium brings together experts in a variety of areas, including school safety and security, law enforcement, criminal justice, and education administration. In addition to experts within these areas, the symposium also features speakers who have been involved in school and mass shootings, who share the lessons learned through their own experiences to help others prepare for and prevent similar incidents from occurring in their own communities.

onePULSE Foundation

The onePULSE Foundation was established in the aftermath of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in June 2016. The Foundation’s mission includes establishing and maintaining a permanent memorial for the victims, creating scholarships in their names, engaging in community outreach and education, and more.

*NOTE: All images and logos have been used with the respective organization’s permission. Please consult each directly before using any images shown here.